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If Relocating Your Business is the Last Thing You Want To Do…

If Relocating Your Business is the Last Thing You Want To Do…

…and your office lease expiration is approaching, the good news is, the lease renewal process will be quick and easy, right? Sure, if you don’t mind paying a premium. Most business owners and managers want a market deal; and unfortunately, it is not that simple to get a fair deal.

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So, You Think it Might Be Time to Relocate?

So, You Think it Might Be Time to Relocate?

It is critical to understand the requirements of relocation.

Business professionals know the most expensive aspect of running a business is the people, followed closely by space requirements.

These days, more than ever, the emphasis is high quality space with the ability to attract a workforce that has grown accustomed to working from home. If you think it might be time to relocate your business…

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Who Really Represents Tenants in an Office Lease?

Who Really Represents Tenants in an Office Lease?

In a legal proceeding, would you hire the same attorney retained by your opponent? If you were being audited by the IRS, would you represent yourself, or would you prefer your accountant, with an intimate knowledge of the laws and your circumstances, to represent you?  It is safe to assume most would hire experts to ensure their interests are well protected.

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Law Firm Metrics Update

Law Firm Metrics Update

Law Firm Metrics Update - a compilation of data from multiple sources including architecture, data analytics vendors such as and ALM, and representative law firm practice groups from AM Law 100 and 200 firms, both global and regional.

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